Win up to $1800

Win up to $1800!

Recruit a new member and you could win some cash for yourself, your recruit, and your post.

Every new member that joins The American Legion between February 1, 2021 and May 1, 2021 will be eligible to be entered into a drawing to win.

One winner will be drawn at The Kansas Department Convention from all entries properly received and will be designated the winner. From the information contained on the winning coupon drawn, $500 will be awarded to the New Member, $500 will be awarded to the Recruiter, and $500 to the recruiter’s Post. The Recruiter with the most New Member coupon entries will earn $100. The Post with the most New Member coupon entries will receive $100. The Post with the most New Member coupon entries as a percentage of that Post’s 2020 Membership Quota will be awarded $100.

Check out the contest rules below and be sure to submit your New Member Drawing Coupon with the New Member’s card and dues.

[embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”browser” text=”Download New Member Contest Coupon”]
[embeddoc url=”” download=”all” viewer=”browser” text=”Download Legion Membership Application”]
Kansas Boy State Mission Logo

Kansas Students Learn the Value of Democracy at Boys State

Benjamin Anderson participated as a delegate at the 2019 Session of the American Legion Boys State of Kansas Leadership Academy, held June 2 through June 7, at Kansas State University in Manhattan. Benjamin, of WaKeeney, who will be a senior at Trego Community High School in the fall, was one of 400 young men who attended the weeklong government and leadership program. During the program, Benjamin was a member of the city of Whorley, in Powell County, and held the position of Senator.

Continue reading “Kansas Students Learn the Value of Democracy at Boys State”
Kansas Highway Patrol Cadet Law Enforcement Academy

Moore Post 197 Sends Promising Young Students to Cadet Law AcadEmy

Moore Post 197 sends Kolby Walt to CLEA
Moore Post 197 sends Dylan Pfeifer to CLEA

Kansas Moore Post 197 is sponsoring two motivated young individuals to attend the Kansas Highway Patrol Cadet Law Academy. Dylan Pfeifer and Kolby Walt will gain real experience as Kansas Highway Patrol officers at the in June 2019 program held in Salina, Kansas.

CLEA offers high school juniors the opportunity to gain knowledge regarding training and responsibilities of all law enforcement officials. Upon graduation students should better understand, respect and appreciate law enforcement personnel at all levels.

WaKeeney Moore Post 197 is delighted to offer these promising young students the opportunity to learn more about law enforcement. To learn more or apply for the next academy, see

Moore Post 197 Sends TCHS Student to Boys State

Every year in March/April, American Legion Moore Post 197 and the Kansas American Legion sponsor a young person to attend Boys State at K-State. This year, we’ve selected Benjamin Anderson to attend the week-long leadership program.

WaKeeney Moore Post 197 sends student to Kansas State

Benjamin C. Anderson was born and raised in western Kansas. He attended Trego Grade School and then Trego Community High School. Benjamin just completed his Junior year. He is quite passionate about politics and is involved in the Student Council, being elected co-­president earlier this year. He has also been active in local politics, paging for his representative in the state legislature, and worked on a campaign for the state house. He will attend the 2019 session of Boys State following in his father’s footsteps, who is an alumni of the 1980 session. He is also active in Cross Country and Tennis and participates in other High School organizations.